if you want to show only the services from a category with ID 1,

if you want to show the booking form for the service with ID 1.

if you want to show the booking form for the employee with ID 1,

if you want to show the booking form for the location with ID 1,

if you want to show only the services from a category with ID 1 that are assigned to the employee with ID 1,

if you want to show only the services from a category with ID 1 that are provided on the location with ID,

if you have Packages enabled, but you only want to show services in the form,

if you have Packages enabled, and you only want to show packages, without services in the form.

if you want to show the basic Step-by-step Booking wizard,

if you want to show only the services from a category with ID 1,

if you have Packages enabled, but you only want to show services in the form,

if you want to show the basic Service Catalog view,

if you want to show the basic search view,

if you want to show a list of all your events,

if you want to show both Appointments and Events,

if you want to show only Appointments in the Customer Panel.

if you want to show both Appointments and Events,

if you want to show only Appointments in the Employee Panel.

if you want to show both Appointments and Events, but your employees won’t have access to their profile (Full Name, Email, Assigned Services, Working Hours, Days Off, and Special Days)

– This shortcode will show only Categories 2 and 4 on the page in a “Step-by-Step” booking form.

– This shortcode will show only services 13, 2, and 1 in a “Step-by-Step” booking form.

– This shortcode will only show locations 1, 3, and 5 in a “Catalog” booking form.